
Privacy Policy

Our customers’ privacy is important to us. It is our policy to respect the privacy of the information we collect from you on our https://shrimadhavchemtech.in/ website and on sites owned and operated by us.

Data collection
We only ask for personal information from our customers when we need it to serve you. We collect it legally. We also inform you why we are collecting it and how it will be used.

We send SMS/emails to you about our promotional offers on the mobile/email you provided during the registration period. If you want to stop these SMS/emails then contact our team and they will help you.

Data Retention
We retain all your information only for as long as it is necessary to provide you with the service. The data we store is professionally secured on media.

Information Sharing
We do not share your information with any third parties. We don’t give anyone personally in public. If you have shared any information with us, we never share it and we keep that information only till your service.

External links
We have no control over what our website may do with any external links. Be aware that we do not control the content and practices on these Websites and cannot accept responsibility for their privacy policies.

Your consent
We may be unable to provide you with certain services if you do not provide us with your information.


Your repeated use of our website will be treated as processing of personal information. If we are controlling this personal information and user data, if you have any queries or problems related to this, please contact us and we will provide you the information along with your service details.


This policy is effective from 1 January 2021

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